Hi! Great to be back!


New member
Hi guys!
Being satisfied with my rig have kept me off gear-forums like this for the pass two years, but after some accidental buyings here and there, I've come to realized that I still have GAS... Sigh...

Had been using my PODxt LIVE for the pass 6-7 years, have never really been drawn to the fact of using single pedals, but after meeting some guitarists, I'm finally switching! I still love my PODxt LIVE to death though, it has served me faithfully, and still works without any major problems, but I'm just preparing a separate rig to play with...

I've bought some pedals the pass few weeks, and one or two are still on its way, but now I have some problems putting all of them together, the signal flow in particular...

Please do advice me on how my signal chain should flow, and I would prefer having all of my pedals on one single board, rather than switching out to pedals I need...

Guitars are Musicman JP6 BFR, Suhr Classic Start, and a Gibson ES-356; have a Mesa Boogie Mark V on its way, and seriously considering the Bogner Duende...
I play mainly in a Dream Theater cover/Prog Rock band, jazz gigs, and church worship services... So far the PODxt LIVE has served me well, but I'm looking for something now (gear-wise), hence the change to analogue pedals... Have some basic knowledge on how the pedal signal should flow, but would like to seek opinions from the great people here!

Here are the pedals that I have now:
Ernie Ball Wah / Crybaby GCB95 (TBP-ed)
Eventide Pitchfactor
Keeley DS1 (as a booster maybe?)
Lovepedal Eternity
Tech 21 GT2
MXR EVH Phaser
MXR EVH Flanger
TCE SCF Chorus
TCE Polytune
Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2+
Pedaltrain 3

Some pedals that is on its way is a Suhr Riot Dist and a Keeley 4-knob Comp...
Still considering whether to get a EB 25k VP or the Stereo one, which would work great with my piezo equipped guitar... Any advance on this?
Is the signal chain too long? Should I add a buffer?

Thanks for reading, and it feels G8-2 be back and excited about gears again!
Well you could add a buffer or put them all through a TBP looperr:D The order of your pedals should be guitar>tuner>wah>phaser>drive pedals (depending on which ones you want to stack etc)>Modulation>Delay>amp. Of course this is rather subjective and that is my preference.

BTW Where are you getting the Mark V from? I wanna try!!!:D
Yeah, kinda thinking of that flow too...
But as for the Pitchfactor and Delay, does it matter on which one comes first?
And I'm thinking of stereo in and out for both of these pedals...

You can order a Mark V (or any other amp for that matter) from Ebenex, maybe call them for a quote in any amp you're interested...
It's around SGD3,500 for the Mark V head...
But as for the Pitchfactor and Delay, does it matter on which one comes first?
And I'm thinking of stereo in and out for both of these pedals...

Pitch/whammy/harmoniser pedals work better with a strong, clean signal, so maybe after compressor but before everything else, or at most after some overdrive. If you put it after delay, it would create some problems with tracking the overlapping notes. Of course, the effect is not entirely undesirable for more experimental genres.

Wire in between pedals in stereo where you can, so that you have the option of having the final output in stereo.

Since you have quite a few dirt pedals, consider mixing up the modulation a bit. Distortion > phaser > another distortion. Or the same for chorus/flanger. I'm sure you have your own preferences from playing with the signal chain on your POD.
+1 to the AxeFx, I've yet to try it, but from the demos alone, it already sounds so damn impressive. I have a POD HD300 and it never fails to impress me everytime I plug it in. But still, nothing beats plugging into a tube amp and cranking it up:)
First and foremost: Rossie, welcome back!

Boys I'm curious: Wouldn't the AxeFx be redundant plugging into a Mark V? Unless it's just for the eFx?

In which case, the ND 1, Pitchfactor the other mod based pedals he has, running through the Mark V loop's plenty.

Rossie, if this excites you, I say you're well covered already ;)

haha yeah, just wondering if he had ever considered the axe :p

The Mark V is seriously awesome though, the tones from the new Dream Theater album is definitely one of the best I've heard from Petrucci
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There are 3 different models of the AxeFX right now; the AxeFX II (latest one), Ultra and Standard(both discontinued)

The ultra and standard are pretty much similar, except for the higher processing power of the ultra and there's more effects and stuff in the ultra than in the standard.

The AxeFX II was just released a few months back, has a dual-core processor and entirely new algorithms from the ultra for the amp models, called the G2 processing.
there are slight differences between the ultra and standard, which is out of production. for more details, best to check the exact specs on fractal's website.

the axe II is running on a new set of algorithms so it's like a different generation compared to the ultra and std.

edit: damn xfigox beat me to that.. haha
xfigox: Oh yeah, but I'm not looking at any rack stuff for now, just want something that's very straight forward, guitar -> pedals -> amp... As fantastic as the Axe II sounds, it's just not what I was looking for now...

carbox: yeah, I guess I would need to try out the different setups and stuff for it to make sense... I wanna ask beforehand is just to have a rough idea on where and how to go about doing it...

Skipper: I would probably go for a TCE G-Force if I were to get a rack effect... The amp sims are what make the Axe II really shine, so I guess getting the Axe II just for its effects is kinda not worth it... Really nice video too! Thanks!

As much as I really like using my POD, it just doesn't cut it for those OD-ish sounds, but it's highly-saturated distortion is still darn nice...
TC Electronics G-system or Nova-system would be great for effects modulation...as for the drive pedals..try out the Blackstar...

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