Hey guys, check out my band's original, Progressive Rock


New member
Hello guys, this is my first post in SOFT...

I have a project for my final project in SAE Degree and needed some feedbacks from you guys..

It just takes about about 8-10 minutes of your time by feedback to my band's song including listening to the song.. It is a short Prog song.

http://www.purevolume.com/nottoosure (It is also available for download too)

So here comes some of the guideline questions.

1) Are you a progressive rock fan?

2) What do you think or feel about the song?

3) In your opinion, what do you think the song is trying to convey?

4) What do you think of the production (Good/bad) and some of your comments?

5) What area do you think needs to be fixed or Critiques?

6) Did the production help the song's vibe?

7) How many stars will you rate this song out of 5?

8) Will you buy this single (regardless the price) if it is out commercially?

Your help will be greatly appreciated! :)

Thank you for giving me your time in this feedback!
1) Are you a progressive rock fan?

2) What do you think or feel about the song?

3) In your opinion, what do you think the song is trying to convey?

4) What do you think of the production (Good/bad) and some of your comments?

5) What area do you think needs to be fixed or Critiques?

6) Did the production help the song's vibe?

7) How many stars will you rate this song out of 5?

8. Will you buy this single (regardless the price) if it is out commercially?

Nice.. I'm from SAE too, just started haha.

1. Yes, I am a fan of prog rock.

2. It sounds awesome but I'd prefer if its a bit more fierce sounding.

3. I'm not sure.. Something happy? haha.

4. Maybe can make the drums sound more out there? The guitar sound can be improved i think.

5. Are the timing off at some places? I'm not sure. The rest are pretty alright I guess. Nice job :)

6. I donno im not good at these

7. 4

8. honestly no, cause somehow im not really into the song.

Its still impressive tho!! I guess some things are limited, its not like u have the best equipments in the world at ur disposal.
My Comments

Hey guys, my name's Gab, i'm 16 and i play the guitar, i don't have a band at the moment but i do compose on my own. Hard rock/metal/blues/jazz/country are my main influences. Here's what i think about the song....

1) Are you a progressive rock fan?
-Not really

2) What do you think or feel about the song?
-It was good. Nice tone and melody.

3) In your opinion, what do you think the song is trying to convey?
-Lost in a dreamy place kind of feel.

4) What do you think of the production (Good/bad) and some of your comments?
-Production was pretty good.

5) What area do you think needs to be fixed or Critiques?
-Timing, clarity, sound, composition and arrangement can be worked on.

6) Did the production help the song's vibe?
Didn't make much of a difference.

7) How many stars will you rate this song out of 5?

8) Will you buy this single (regardless the price) if it is out commercially?
No. It didn't make me fall in love with it instantly.

- I also wanna congratulate the band for producing the song, good job on it guys.
sweet~...but too midified(if u know what i mean)..sounds like a ringtone or something..hahaha..

and it has the FIR feel to it....

but overall i would say with a bit of fine tuning here and there...

it will be a sweet track~

thumbs up for the effort~
sofyan said:
no problem dude. :) by the way who teaches ur class?

Hardie, my class is BARA 0405, a graduating class... lol

Hey thanx everybody for the feedback.. Hopefully i can get more...

Thanks once again...
some parts sounds very similar to dream theater ..

hah. the keyboard synth + double pedal parts .

nice work overall .. nice tone man !
nice song and melody, but there are some issues..mix not really proper imo..lead guitar , didn't really dig the tone, sounds midi like someone mentioned, and some short parts are almost straight rips off dt stuff, but thats ok..bass solo not really clean, but great song and arrangement..great job overall..3.5/5..
1) sort of

2) not bad, but not very orignal....

3) imo.... i think it doesn't convey any msg

4)Average.... the mix sound kind of unbalance at certain parts, y not try more panning...

5) try mixing thru all kinds of speakers.... esp consummers speakers.... after all is who are u targetting at to listen to the songs.....

6) definately it helps... but could be even better

7) 2.5... Y? the musicians who played the instruments are pretty good no doubt abt it, but however the mix could be better improved and the song sounded not very orignal

price definately plays a big part..... i would say... standing on the progressive rock side... maybe i can consider...

but standing on the technical(as in production) side.... no... i will not buy it....


1) Yes
2)Very liquid tension experiment/dream theatre..lovin it..
3)The rise of an utopic society causing the fall of another era(thus the darker outro)
4) Decent production..the quality aint that great but i believe that it is cuz of purevolumes compression of the song. The guitar in the intro seems too independent of the track..also in general the instruments are pretty segregated..i dont feel a unity in the mix..
5) One or 2 timing issues and the afformentioned problem
6)it could sound so much more ambient with a bit more depth and a revision of the mix
7) around a 4

I would probably buy it..:P

Overall i found it quite interesting. Good luck with future projects.
sounds horrible when loaded on the website, then i decided to download it.. ok.. sounds much better :lol: .. (in terms of quality)

now, down to the song.. i love prog. rock, but i don't really like this song. It feels empty at many parts, the mix.. i would say its lacking in some places. i would rate the song 3

* ar crap.. *
just realised i was listening to it with a loose headphone connection -_-..
it sounds F******* so much nicer now . great job on this one.