Help! What Guitar Is This?


New member
Sorry, I've been playing guitar for years but I'm a noob when it comes to the model or whatever..

This guitar is claimed to be more that 30yrs.
It is super heavy and gave me back ache.

I just wanna know what guitar is this. Thanks you. :p

For More Details:
That's not even a picture.
You want help, sure, but at least give us proper pictures. I'm sure you can read the brand name at the headstock and type it here, or, even better, the brand name WITH a serial number.
That's not even a picture.
You want help, sure, but at least give us proper pictures. I'm sure you can read the brand name at the headstock and type it here, or, even better, the brand name WITH a serial number.

read his post properly, he posted his website with the headstock.

Honestly, I haven't been playing guitar for long so I dont know what brand this is, but according to google it's... I don't know, is it Tuago, Juago, Tiago? Haha I can't help, but best bet is to go down to a guitar store and check it out :)
read his post properly, he posted his website with the headstock.

Honestly, I haven't been playing guitar for long so I dont know what brand this is, but according to google it's... I don't know, is it Tuago, Juago, Tiago? Haha I can't help, but best bet is to go down to a guitar store and check it out :)

That is true. I went to the website, the picture quality was just as bad. As for the headstock, you came up with three probabilities.
I came up with THREE PROBABILITIES for the FIRST letter (namely, F, J and T). Sorry bout the caps, but, if the TS were to post the brand, instead of leaving us guessing, that would be much more useful imo.
The branding font is very hard to read, though... perhaps the TS himself is unsure what it's saying.

I think it's just a cheap strat copy, but that's not a bad thing. A good guitar's a good guitar no matter the price. Who knows, if it is that old, it might even be a Japanese-made guitar... I've never seen any semblance to this brand anywhere so far, despite being quite well-versed with cheap guitars.
Sorry for the bad pic quality guys.

I cant figure out myself too.
At the back of the guitar, there is a metal part which connect the neck and the body, got Ibanez brand on it.
But when I google some Ibanez guitars, I cant find the same shape.

Can it probably be a custom made guitar?
Perhaps it was modified along the way.. the branding on the headstock doesn't read Ibanez and anyway, that's certainly not an Ibanez logo on the headstock.
Nope. No way, it's an aftermarket modification. THe headstock is no way an Ibanez. I don't recall Ibanez having the Strat style headstock either.
Well, you can
1) Post better quality pictures with clear photos of the headstock or,
2)Post all the possible wordings you can decipher. Really, it'll help narrow down all the possibilities.
i think theres no need for the above, it's almost certain a cheap strat knock-off, but what the heck, if you like it. Why not? :)
looks like a vintage looking strat with a lot of mojo man.....does it still plays well?might be a really decent project guitar. Probably uses solid wood there
considering that it is not a well known brand to begin with, there shouldn't be a market for this guitar even though it might be classified as vintage.

the question here is, would you even pay close to $300 for such a guitar?
Relinquish: Maybe 150 bucks, at most. It's a touch and go thing-it could play a dream, or it could be worse than some TGM guitars, in which case it's not even worth 10 dollars...
Most people would go for safer stuff like Squier, Craftsman, etc. But the problem here is we don't even know the brand.
The logo looks stenciled on. I still can't make out the logo but the font is impossible to read in its entirety. The Ibanez backplate also adds to my conclusion that it was a heavily-modified project guitar. It looks like it's in really bad condition, though. In response to relinquish69's question, I would also pay at most $150 because of the unknown origins and lack of info on this guitar, and even then, only if I find it very likable.
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The condition of the guitar is really terrible! I don't mean to be rude but it looks like one of those cheapo guitars you see at cash converters. also, you have to note the fact heavy tone wood is not exactly favourable. when people have a custom strat idea in mind, they would think of choosing the lightest wood possible; which of course comes at a higher price.

IMHO after looking at the newer pictures, I'd think $150 is too much; vintage or not.
For one, the knobs are all wrong and the hardware is rusting like crazy.
The headstock doesn't look right imo. The decal is usually not that low...
Even from here, the fretboard looks like it's dirt and looks really dry.
TS: A lot of 'cleanup' work to be done. Thanks for the better photos. My original impression was that the guitar was yellow.