Help: Reverb pedal

hey man..i was alos looking for a reverb pedal...ive read good things about the biyand baby boom...

but im not sure. so im also keen to hear from fellow softies=)
IMHO, the Modtone reverb sounds best.
Its spring reverb when compared to a
DIME amplifier's reverb tank, it sounded
exactly the same! Im happy with my
Modtone extreme metal. Well built and
nice paintjob! Think im getting the Modtone
the best reverb pedal in my opinion is the neunaber wet! alot of guitarist used it. and many comparisons have been made. maybe if ur budget is abit bigger, u might want to consider it.
do u have to bring guitareast in, it doesnt matter where u buy from. tsk... its a great pedal nonetheless. even if guitareast dun stock them, i would have bought it. stereotypical dudes.