Help on amp recommendation.


New member
Hai guys.
Not sure whether to get HEAD or COMBO.
we got some crappy smarvo cabs but thats okay.

Budget: $600/-
Category : head or combo
Note : Pedal friendly !

am i asking too much? Hehe.
Thanks in advance.
if you read the thread started by HunG, its actually the same thing hehe.
for school use.
Sadly, cannot buy 2nd hand as its hard to find a seller than produces a receipt.
Ah, wondering if its the smarvo cab or the smarvo head that isn't giving us a good sound.
not even with a suhr riot or ht-dist.
anyway, the smarvo head is down, we need either a head or an amp.
and we'll be going to scout today, hopefully replies are made quickly!
speakin of head and cabs im pretty keen on gettin an amp upgrade sometime during the year end haha
dont mind me going abit off topic, from my understanding the head plays the major role in the tone factor so is a good speaker really needed?
and ermm are there actually anything that would be "hdb friendly" ? :o
hmm... effects to light up your current, mundane, set up? here's a quote i came across on that:

in your situation, i'd say it's neither's fault- you just can't come to terms with what's offered by default. replacing the head to exploit the cab won't be the rightful answer, fresh cabs for the current head won't be it either. since you are pedal inclined, hy not invest in a clean tube head & enjoy your pedals instead?
Last choice would be a Night train, its good on its own and fits the budget just nicely.
I'm also looking at the one's Master Beez have in his shop, what are those? MG heads? How much do they cost at davis?
the Night Train has nice default dirt & once you have some distortion/ overdrive pedal to boost this up, it sounds great. however, if you plan to live on its clean channel only, then money would be better spent on something else... Beez has the MG15 MSII stack there, some of which are modded.

this CRATE head is discont'd but still available @ Davis for about $400+/- ... nearly bought it:
probably planning to live on clean only hehe.
will go down to beez and davis to check later.
thanks subversion
From what you guys are describing in the previous thread, changing your amps or whatever is not the end all answer to all your problems at hand. You guys just need to know how to set up the equipment that you already have properly and controlling and working with your sound guys.
Yes, but the TS did mention that the head is gone, so he needs either a new combo or a new head, hence the ensuing discussions.
anyway just wondering, are you'all using ur "own" money, like cca funds or such, or using the school's budget for this?
Err organisation funds that i do not wish to disclose =D.
definitely not we poor students' funds.

deciding between the sounddrive and the ht-5 head.
both sound good in clean and drive areas.
just that the ht-5 tube head might not be noob friendly for the other players.

leaning towards ht-5 as we wanna make use of the cabs.
post edit not working.

From what you guys are describing in the previous thread, changing your amps or whatever is not the end all answer to all your problems at hand. You guys just need to know how to set up the equipment that you already have properly and controlling and working with your sound guys.

ah, the sound crew, get angry at them they'll still screw up sound, tell them nicely also the same.
too bad.
we have major balancing problems.

drums can only be mic-ed at the bass kick, or overhead, overhead sounds empty without bass kick( not enough mics )
piano mic-ed but can't be heard
lead guitar too loud
acoustic too trebly
singers are fine.

this situation happens almost all the time.
i know i shouldn't blame sound crew because sometimes its our fault.
the acoustic sounds good unplugged, but when plugged it only has bass, treble, phase controls. treble is usually 0 and phase is on so it sounds nicer. Despite the treble at 0, there are times when you still can hear that its bright in a bad way.

Ah apologies, acoustic is plugged with wireless D.I, with some minor latency issues, but still quite irritating. Its a SHURE ULX1

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