Help me make a choice! 5 string bass choice


New member
Hey guys. I'm probably going to go get myself a new 5 string bass soon. I've done a search through the shops at peninsula (spelling?) yesterday, and tested out some of the basses.
Firstly, to state what I'm looking for.

- 5 strings (Yeah... Title says all)
- Preferably active pickups, or at least versatile enough to be adjusted on the bass itself.
I actually don't mind a passive, just that the tone control(s) should be able to dial out at least a low, rumbling sound and a high mid-treble solo-ish sound.
- Two pickups.
- 24 frets. Not too big of a problem if its not 24, but definitely not taking anything with 20 frets.
- In stock or in store. I mean, I would definitely love to test it.
- Budget is around $400 to $650.
- Weight, shape, pickup style does not matter to me. I'll adapt.
- Rosewood fretboard. Or anything except Maple fretboard, I'm that biased against maple.
- The wood the body is made of can be anything. Or not even wood is possible.

So yeah, I'm a bit picky. I will be keeping this as my main bass for some time, so something that lasts probably helps. I do not mind which brand or company made it, just sounds and feels good.

And currently, I've got 4 basses in mind out of the 11 from my monday run. I think I'll choose from the four here if no one replies. :P

- Samick (fairline? I'm not sure, its a Greg Bennett five string)
-Feels quite good. But the main thing that separates it from the other basses is the frets. 22. But the pickups sound quite nice. Low B is not that clear though.

- Schecter Omen 5
-Action was a bit too low for my taste, but that's no real problem. The lows on this bass are well defined but the highs do not have the ring to it. Its a personal choice thing, I guess.

- Aria IGB 35/5
-First thing was that it looks awesome. The sound is very calming, low-treble, mid-bass. I had no problems with this bass, and with a delay and chorus, it sounds amazing. Its just that its a bit too light for my preference. And that the eq is a bit unresponsive.

- Ibanez EDB 605
-Probably the bass I'm happiest with. Played around with the onboard eq, must say I can get quite a nice variety with it. Body is made of luthite or something. Heavier than the others, I must say. But the feel of the bass is quite good.
I'd go for a used instrument. quality at half the price..

If you're keen on going the "new" route, check out the squier jazz 5, or an sx jazz 5..
I don't mind used. Its just that I don't really see many used 5 strings in my budget that actually sound good, and those that do cost a lot or are in bad shape. I tried an sx the other day, sounded a bit trebly to me. Almost bought a squier jazz deluxe V the other day during swee lee's Katong sale. Then someone else bought it first as I was looking at something else :(

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