Help in repairing guitar


New member
Hi guys, been thinking of repairing my guitar. Since i bought it 2nd handed and is in bad condition. The first step I want to do is to repaint and recoat it. Can I ask what's the best way to remove lacquer? I need to remove the coating first before I'm able to repainting the guitar. And what type of lacquer coating should I buy after I spray painted my guitar. I don't want a glitterish one, just a normal black finish. Thanks in advance! :)
I would say get lotsa zero grade sand paper + rough sanding sponge would be the best way. Even faster than using paint stripper. Proven. Saves u the pain of the paint removing hitting your hand too.
I would say get lotsa zero grade sand paper + rough sanding sponge would be the best way. Even faster than using paint stripper. Proven. Saves u the pain of the paint removing hitting your hand too.

Wah rly? I'm guessing it'll take a long time! I saw on the net someone used a penknife, scrape off the layer of lacquer by scraping perpendicular. I have another qns, can u paint the fretboard? I wanna design my fretboard, it's Ebony if I'm nt wrong.
Penknife is like very... Ancient way. Composer Of Requiems used the sanding sponge finish. He recommends Nippon. Nippon black spray paint. But i've never tried refinishing my guitar. Too much trouble.