got a second hand guitar which wasn't very well maintained by its owner. It's an old edwards F model in a matte black finish. something like this but with different specs. it's like the matte black finish one.
the body is kinda faded near the picking hand which is okay. since it's purely cosmetic but the problem is the neck... which is kind of sticky.
like it's permanently damp. I don't see this problem with other guitars(which have natural wood finishes on the back of the neck).. from the specs the neck is supposedly maple but it's covered in a layer of matte black paint. it's not nitro finished, and i'm not really well versed enough to tell what it is but it's really irritating since it makes it really hard to play even though the guitar sounds great.
and some of the frets are kinda in bad shape, very hard to do bends on. probably need some polish? or something. and the fretboard has white... sweat, or something stains near the commonly used frets.
i really don't know what to use to clean the neck, frets and fretboard. I'm scared of permanently damaging the guitar because the finish looks to be.. just painted wood.
and I want to replace the neck pickup to something else, specifically is it possible to fit a single coil in the space of a humbucker? it has no pickguard so it'll be just empty space there. is it possible?
the body is kinda faded near the picking hand which is okay. since it's purely cosmetic but the problem is the neck... which is kind of sticky.
like it's permanently damp. I don't see this problem with other guitars(which have natural wood finishes on the back of the neck).. from the specs the neck is supposedly maple but it's covered in a layer of matte black paint. it's not nitro finished, and i'm not really well versed enough to tell what it is but it's really irritating since it makes it really hard to play even though the guitar sounds great.
and some of the frets are kinda in bad shape, very hard to do bends on. probably need some polish? or something. and the fretboard has white... sweat, or something stains near the commonly used frets.
i really don't know what to use to clean the neck, frets and fretboard. I'm scared of permanently damaging the guitar because the finish looks to be.. just painted wood.
and I want to replace the neck pickup to something else, specifically is it possible to fit a single coil in the space of a humbucker? it has no pickguard so it'll be just empty space there. is it possible?