Help! If you have this camera, i need to charge my battery badly!


New member
Sorry everyone,

I spent some time looking thru this forum and didn't know where i could post something like this. Thought there'd be a lot of photography enthusiasts around, so i'm giving it a try.

I own a Fuji Finepix F50-fd and when i came to Singapore, i left my charger in LA. (Stooopid). So i've been taking pictures and the battery is dying.

If you have a similar camera, i was wondering if i could either meet up with you, i could come to your place or we could meet at some cafe that they have plugs (or library?), and
let it charge for a bit (shouldn't take long right? an hour?), and i'll return it right back to you.
Or if you trust me, i can borrow it and return it to you either in the same day or the next day. Or i can meet you back at your office or whatever..

Whatever the case, i just need to know if anyone has this same camera, or maybe a charger that could charge this battery (the FujiFilm NP-50 Lithium battery).

Lunch on me! (please be merciful, food court?)

Would really like to keep going around taking pictures.

Or anyone of you smart people have a suggestion?
I even thought about asking one of these Sim Lim store guys if they have an open set i can just charge for a while....

I can be reached at 84006252

Thanks all!