HELP HELP! double pedalin


New member
sorry lengthy post!! please help anyway!!!

this post is for those pple who are proficient in double pedalin.. these pple please try to help me!!

well. this is my story

(wired u readin this?)
ok i just started playin metal and progressive rock stuff on the drumset and i'm new to double pedaling. i own a pair of iron cobras.

well anyway.. i usually go to fourtones studio to jam with my band la. and they have iron cobras there too. the thing is, when i go there. i can double pedal effortlessly and quite well. but at home when i'm using my own double pedals..i suck eggs man.
i spent 4 hours just now tuning and adjusting my double pedals to try to make it feel like the ones in fourtones but to no avail. "wired ; a SOFTie" said it's probably my techniques and i agree with that la.. but then.. i tried to vary my heels up and heels down in the studio and at home. and i can play better heels up in the studio than at home. i can play heels down better at home.

it's like.. with my heels down at home, i can play speeds under 100bpm consistently.. and between 140-155 bpm steadily.. in between very inconsistent.
heels up at home, about below 80bpm and 150-190bpm very steady. but in between very sucky..
alright this is my goal.. by saturday. i have to do about 125bpm consistently be it heels up or down. cuz i'm participatiing the the "Stage Fight" and all of a sudden my double pedaling is giving way and it's very worrying. i was like this last time la.. so i HAVE to get 125bpm by this sat or i'm screwed. but i'm afriad that i'll suck and won't get used to the adjustments of the double pedals at the club's drumset.

~need help~
sorry for length post!! ~hope u can sense my desperation~
Bro, bring ur pedal along next time, i'll try to tune it for u. Bcos, i was the one who tune the Iron Cobras at Fourtones to what they are now.. :wink:

wah laoo then the next time i can come is saturday morning u know.. on the day of the gig.. wait not even sure if we're jamming or not... shit man..
hey dude u may wanna check on the spring or the bounce of your pedals. usually the studios have looser springs or less tighten up. bounce will train your control and strength due to the need to bring them down. in other words its more difficult to press down, more strength is required. btw, try heel up, it really worked for me.

another reason is that perhaps the pedals are not seasoned enough yet.

anyhow just keep practicing even at the busstops and stuff, muscle memory is very important.

rock om.
hey thanx for the advice!
but right now i feel that the feel of the pedals are more urgent.. as i don't have much practice time left. cuz i'm busy everyday till late at night. no time to practice..
dude pop down to fourtones and be nice to Nash and ask him to let you test out the drumset for 2 minutes.

note down these things:

1) throne height - measured against your leg as a guide is pretty safe. eg, i know my optimum height is one inch below the knee cap.

2) spring settings/tension.

3) floorboard height as gauged by the lines on the on the right end side of the axis.

4) beater distance (neats allen key to adjust--seldom adjusted anyway)

5) beater counterweight height (the round thingie on your beater shaft)

6) double pedal slave distance from main pedal

7) all of the above for the slave pedal as well. (bearing in mind that it is possible for slave settings to be different and be most comfortable)

hope this helps in time.
i think nvm already la.. no time already. today no time, tomorrow no time friday no time.. only left saturday. but no time already.. nvm la. =) i'll just try the pedals over there.. thanx anyway
alrite i just practiced for 10 min 5 min ago. and my double pedaling AT HOME was good heels down.. i was able to play consistently. i played through the songs 2 times and was able to get most of my double pedalin cinsistent.. thankfully. sigh.. but when i did it the 3rd time onwards, it turned really inconsistent

now i'm wondering if i should still bring my ICs to the gig. i'm afraid i bring then i screw up. then it'll look like i'm so cocky carrying my ICs up then playing like shit. well. can't chat anymore.. i'll be back tonight at 10 pm i guess.
hey there....
maybe i can try help you out this saturday cause i'm also into the competition.... but there's a catch.....

Must borrow me the pedals too... hahaha... then i can screw it up and then you can't play, then the whole band screw up.. .so my band got better chance.... hahahah.....

sorry... jokes aside -
Seriously, bring it down, I'll try to help out.
Dude, adjust it to the best of your ability, and let nature take it's course.. Seriously. It's a gig you're saying? Play as you would at fourtones, and throw in some showmanship, usually the audience wouldn't notice mistakes or slight sloppiness in play if they're enjoying themselves.. try to work towards that a bit.. it's all part of the show..
OEI!! Don't chicken out!! It's going to be good learning experience to know more about the pedals!!

The drummers here need you to solve the mystery and share with us!! :evil: