help! guitar electronics


New member
i'm looking for some blues distortion and an overdrive, budget is 200 for each.
what brand and model do i go for ?
i'm also looking for a good amp, budget is 300. i use a fender standard strat, should i go for fender amps ?
I don't know about the distortion but I'd highly recommend the Michael Angelo Batio overdrive, it's great at tightening up the sound of the distortion pedals I've tried boosting using the MAB overdrive with.

You sound like you dig blues, grab yourself a Fender frontman 25, should be within budget, I like the way it sounds. Best for you to try for yourself though. Again I would describe it as tight and responsive even when pushed using high gain pedals. I don't know if you would prefer something more imprecise but these are my recommendations.
The safe way is a TS9 or TS9 type clone for your SRV tones. I suggest a Maxon OD9 if you can find it somewhere someplace. If not there are many TS9 stuff out there. A modded Boss BD2 Blues Driver would be a safe place too, a stock BD2 just sounds like cowdung.

Or spend 50-80 on a Dano OD, and pool the rest of the money to get a Vox AC4TV or Epiphone Blues Jr.

Heh sorry I'm a bit drunk. Normal service will continue tomorro.
hi there :-)

if you have that blues crunch in mind, i've had these 2 pedals to work some great tones (through the amp's clean channel) & worthy of your considerations:


if it's within your means, do try them out to hear what's on offer, tone-wise...