Hello to All


New member
Hi, I am from Sabah Malaysia and just want to join in the fun at SOFT and exchage experience with other bassist in Singapore. Been to S'pore bunch of times and really impressed with the local and foreign bands. I am into bass guitar building and repair and at the momment i am a research assiatant to a lecturer in our local university (University Malaysia Sabah) in instruments making (solid body guitar) and wood acoustic properties. Been playing bass since 1988 but there's a five years void due to (so called) career development. So talk to you guys soon..Araimaitii..kio..
welcome aboard our grizzly friend...

any links to your professional involvements? maybe osme of us here aspire to be luthiers one day 8)
Hey there for420 and subversion thanks for the welcoming party..people in sabah just fine but the music scene is not that good.. :( but couple of good old farts musician here..we missed the boat to rock stardom.. :lol:..I will post a couple of pix soon for a project i'm currently working it's just an experimental fretlessBass will keep you guys up date on things k..i will from time to time will post a question to you guys and feel free to do so to me k..ctch up wt u guys soon
wow! can i get you to custom make a bass for me? wait till i get the dough though.. post the pix soon! i'm dying to get a custom fretless!