Hello people! Please help!!! I can't find a solution to this! :(


New member
Hello Softies,

My name is Aiden, and i'm currently having a real headache trying to figure this out!

Here's my gear currently.

Recording :
Zoom R16 Interface

Computer Specs :
Core 2 Duo 2.93 GHZ
1TB Hard Disk Space
4gb RAM

DAW Software :
Cubase LE4

I've recorded full guitar, bass and drum tracks, and i thought i did the mixing well and stuff,
and i exported the song.
But only after i exported it did i realize (after someone told me) it's all in mono!
Then i'm puzzled by this because i made sure i had the right VST settings and the right configurations and the right export settings. (maybe i'm careless, please point out my mistakes.)
I thought it sounded okay during playback.

So i connect R16, set my VST connection Inputs.

All - Zoom R16 ASIO Driver
Bus 1 - mono - Input Channel 1
Bus 2 - mono - Input Channel 2
Bus 3 - mono - Input Channel 3
Bus 4 - mono - Input Channel 4
Bus 5 - mono - Input Channel 5
Bus 6 - mono - Input Channel 6
Bus 7 - mono - Input Channel 7
Bus 8 - mono - Input Channel 8

And then my VST connection Outputs

All - Zoom R16 ASIO Driver

Stereo out
- Left - output channel 1
- Right - output channel 2

So after having these settings i proceed to record my tracks and everything,
until i realize i cannot pan something hard right, like EVERYTHING RIGHT.
The sound just disappears.

In other words, on the track's output if i put "Left - Stereo out". There's sound, same level from both speakers even if i pan left or right.

If i put "Right - Stereo out". There's no sound, no matter what i do, from either speakers.
^ That's the problem.

I can't Pan something to the right when i set the output to "Stereo Out"
it just gets softer and softer when i move the panning towards right, and eventually no sound at all when its Hard right.

Can someone help me?

I'm sure this has nothing to do with the export options.
Any advice or comments is very much appreciated!

Thanks alot!

check your VST plugins make sure none of the plugins screws up your mix into mono.

when you pan right, and export stereo ,does the "Right" audio data still get in the mixdown ?

are you still able to play mp3s in windows 7 using your r16 audio interface only?

Are all your input track route to individual bus rather than Output1-2? I encounter similar case on one audio interface that the audio interface cannot do stereo bus out. So the workaround is to do a two mono bus to create a stereo bus.

What do you mean by still get in the mixdown? i just highlight the whole song i want to export, i pan it in Cubase, but the panning in itself is just like how i described. My settings are above. I can play MP3s with my R16 :S
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that means while you pan it all right, can you still export the song, and have the .mp3 in "all the instruments panned right" audio?

check bypass all the vsts you're using, one of them maybe screwing up with your stereo signal.