Headstock decal-application services?


New member
I'm wondering if anyone provide the service of decal applications on guitars? And a rough estimate of the service? Was contemplating on changing the decal on my headstock but too chickened to DIY :lol:

And why would I wanna change the decal? Mainly cosmestic reason lah...I have a Japanese lefty Fender Jaguar and lefty Fenders from Japan don't come with the model on the headstock...just a 'Fender' decal..tak shiok lah. I'm thinking it'd be nice if I can have the full 'Fender Jaguar' decal on my lefty jag...but that means removing the original finish and decal on the headstock and applying a new one (I can get the decal from ebay) but the refinishing is tricky...

Thanks in advance! ;)