Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus

hey yo, thread about HM/MC!
awkward. im not a fan of HM/MC at all.
just a regular listener that listens to SOME of her songs.
this thread is specially invented for HM/MC fans.

anyways, for HM/MC fans,

**which identity do you prefer?**

**what are your favorite songs?**
I only saw the '7things' video

I'm not a fan of Hannah

I do like Miley though. Miley. Not her music. Miley.

One of the Jonas her boyfriend right? He must die.
lol. i wish they would just stop singing .. gah it hurts my METAL ears ! T_T my mum always like to watch her stupid show. T_T hmm jonas and her? lol. which one? the curly one or what? don't worry metalhead. haha all you have to do just take ur "gun"(if you know what i mean =D ) and gun the jonas down. HAHAHAHA :mrgreen:
haha it isn't at davis.. i forgot the name of the shop but it's pretty plain.. they have some fenders on display.. and their shop is painted white which looks pretty empty..
Diao off topic

Anyway, back to the main problem at hand, she's currently dating a 21 y/o...Whoever it is escapes my memory at the moment, but that's what I heard on radio, that Ryan Seacrest show thingy....98.7 I think.....New hit list drawn up
I'm not a fan of her, she cant sing live. Her voice is horrible when singing live.

Actually, im not a fan of any bands/singers that cant sing/perform live(terrible as compared to their music videos...)
everybody's human, they've always been that way. it's just that it's getting harder and harder for them to keep their private lives private.