Guns n' Roses new song's unofficial video

NIce!! :) Except for the intro and outro processed vocals which sounds out of place. Sounds pretty decent. I will buy the album if it ever comes out...
Well ok lah, its really Axle kinda thing. Still prefer da ol line up n Appetite 4 Destruction is still da best Album 4 GNR.
nice, has a modern sorta vibe to it. im not comparing gnr to this cause they're worlds apart. not bad la, i'll get the album when it's out! who's on guitar?
hmm, its ok. but i find the new songs er well nth compared to appetite. i tink appetite was wher gnr realli shine and all the other albums with the original lineup. the new songs dun realli have the 80's sound anymur.
hmm personally i don't really like this song,

watched their set on Rock in Rio, and i felt the songs they played there were better.

anyway one thing is for sure, it's a very different sound from good 'ol GnR

even he sounds kinda different
daryl said:
nice, has a modern sorta vibe to it. im not comparing gnr to this cause they're worlds apart. not bad la, i'll get the album when it's out! who's on guitar?

RON THAL on guitar....awesome player.He's not new to the rock scene.Great 90's instrumental player when it was in demand just like satch,joey tafolla,richie kotzen etc...checkout his work.
ron thal.. yeah heard of him. there were those sweeps in the song which i found so... un-gnr like. haha. like someone commented on youtube, he should just rename the band cause it's totally not gnr anymore.
guess that's the direction they're heading...embracing diversity.That's the only way to surviving the music industry i guess.
the video's quite cheesy, doesn't make much sense lol. but kinda like the song. sure it's different from the old gnr, but loadsa 80s bands changed their style like skid row (which is quite shit now), warrant, faster pussycat and even motley crue so i guess it can't be helped if they wanan survive in the modern industry.
I agree it's so-so only, but we can't expect much. There's no way we can compare it to the old line-up :D
i agree with daryl... they should just change the band name.. the whole feel of the song is just not the GnR we know and have come to love...
Slash04 said:
Axl's trying to hard... And the whole song's pretty messed up...

What a downer...

agree. i think his days are over.
and they shouldnt be using the GNR name. its not them and they certainly dont sound like them.

i dont like it.

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