Guitarist look for a band to jam/have fun!


New member
Hello friends!

Guitarist here, looking for a band to jam and have fun and enjoy music and, if possible, be able to perform live.

I play mainly instrumental prog, bands like Intervals, Polyphia & Plini. But I enjoy playing clean too, think John Mayer, WVNDER, Transit. I listen to a lot of lo-fi jazzpop and other similar vibey chill'y music. Basically I'm open to anything la, I want to learn and progress as a guitarist.

I'm new to the whole jamming as a group thing (I've always played alone, sad right?) so I'm still new to pedals, and other band etiquettes. But I'm willing to learn! If you'll have me :D

Hit me up! 9twotwo04fivefive6 on Whatsapp please.
