Guitarist Available


New member

Chinese male in early 20s here,
finally finished NS and I thought its about time I started playing with others and form a band with like-minded instead of being a bedroom-guitarist forever. I can do drums pretty well also but i see myself 'better' as a guitarist of a band.

I listen to almost-exclusively rock music, but Im into alot of genre. List that made it to my iPod are Guns & Roses, X Japan, Dir en Grey, Linkin Park, Slash and Green Day. I recently also liked Neo-Classicals artist like Yngwie Malsteem.
Thing is, I really digg music thats synergetic and sonically-congruent and has lots of layering.

Im more comfortable when alot is to be expected of me just cuz I dont really have experience in performing nor experience jamming with other people. I hope my band mates will have high expectations of themselves too.
I wouldnt consider myself a guitar legend but I also wouldnt say that I just started learning the guitar. I started only 2 years back and I consider my skills really hard-earned. I really hope we can aim to play in gigs, and not just like meet twice a week in the jamming room like mess around with our instruments.

Do PM me or leave a reply if you see my sincerity.
Thx for reading!:p
Hey mate, i am forming a band playing music from the 60s to 90s.. Stuffs like led zeppelin, skid row, guns n roses, iron maiden and loads more.. PM or reply me if you are interested.. Peace

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Hey mate, i am forming a band playing music from the 60s to 90s.. Stuffs like led zeppelin, skid row, guns n roses, iron maiden and loads more.. PM or reply me if you are interested.. Peace