Guitar volume knobs!


New member
I haven't been touching my guitar volume knobs for sometime as I haven't been playing with an amplifier, but yesterday when I was trying to turn my guitar volume knobs, I realised it couldn't move at all. I think it may be due to the dust collecting inside, can someone teach me how to lossen the knobs? :?:
Ermm .... spray LPS? But that might damage your paint job.

I think you have to change the volume knob .... shouldn't cost you more than $30. Get a Dimazio variable resistor ... it;s smooth and durable.
Maybe I should ask Beez, he was the one who fixed my volume knob problem for me 5 years ago, I think he jus spray some WD40 into the volume knob or something like dat......
do not use oil based lubricant on electronics esp on those with electrical contacts...

if its dust, then remove ur volume knob and wipe with damp tissue... then spray spirit based-contact cleaner like servisol

edit: reason for avoiding oil-based stuff is cuz oil is a bad conductor if electricity and they do not evaporate easily/completely... if it gets coated on ur conductors, ur signal might become weakened or cut off... it screws electronic stuff many ways... so safer to avoid it and use spirit based stuff which evapourates almost instantly
this happen after a long period of none movement to the knob ... no worry ... there's this kinda 'dry resin' buildup and harden on the knob.

just pull out the plastic knob, use a plier or screwdriver, add alittle WD40, and give the rod a little left and rite turn ... after awhile, it'll b loosen
Thanks for the advice!!! But do I have to turn the knob or pull it out? and if I have to turn the knob, which direction should I turn?
WD40 is save ... no worry, i've spare WD40 into my cable hole, the knobs and the 5 way switch ... no prob.

pull out the plastic tuner and u'll see a shaft ... drip some WD40 on the washer ... loosen it by tuning it left and rite bit by bit ...

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