Guitar Tips?


New member
Hey guys.

Im 16 this year and currently studying. Thing is.. once my end of years finish my parents promised me a new guitar. I have been learning guitar for about.. close to around half a year im considered quite a noob. I practice on a classical guitar. Im basically into acoustic and band songs but whenever i try to learnt them on the classical guitar the feel just isnt right. I have a friend of mine that is interested in music as well and we plan to form a band together in the future.

Problem now is since i only can get one guitar... should i go for an acoustic or electric guitar? Acoustic would allow me to practice songs and since we dont really have any more pals into forming a band getting an electric isnt quite suitable. However electric guitars allow a wider range of songs including learning guitar solos and all. So which should i pick? I heard some acoustic guitars can plug into amps too right?

Pls recommend any gd brands if u guys know for beginners. Prefably cost around 200-300. I just need something durable for me to practice on.

If I were in your position I'd do the following:

1. Get a decent acoustic steel-string guitar. I recommend Cort and Maestro for your budget range. Of course the acoustics which can be plugged in do cost slightly more.

2. Hone rhythm chops and make sure that rhythm playing is solid before moving on to lead playing. Gather a few buddies who can play better than you and learn from them. Make sure you learn from a wide range of genres, not just indie, or emo or metal. Expand on to folk and country because that's where acoustic music was born IMO.

3. Who says you can do more "solo-ing" on an electric guitar. There are plenty of classical and country/bluegrass virtuosos out there who can flatten alot of our local ibanez/jackson/les paul-toting shredders.

But before you focus on that, I just wanna add: focus on exams first and get that out of the way before you hantam anything else.

Distractions are only going to make you lose focus.. if dun do well in exams how would your parents encourage you to play guitar?
if you enjoy listening or playing to more acoustic pieces, get an acoustic

if you prefer rock styles that are performed on electrics, get an electric

i went for an electric straight without knowing how to play guitar and i dont regret it.

however bear in mind that if you start out on an acoustic, it will strengthen your fingers more, which is a good thing.

go straight for the guitar which suits the style you want to play and this will make practice more enjoyable
erm,i'd go for an electric if folks will spend further on amp n effx..

btw do u kno tt on a 3 pickup guitar pickup position 2 (neck n mid pickups) can simulate acoustic sounds quite well?i can do tt to get the acoustic sound..but i use a les i use my effx pedal acoustic simulator..

but of coz,if u cant hav effx u'd be paralysed on electric guitar (no amp still can plug into comp)..
electric guitar!

my acoustic is so unused in the corner...

might i recommend sx guitars?

to bin4christ i kinda get it on my 2nd position (neck/mid) on my yamaha strat copy :D

how much is an ac-2 btw?