whos the koala brothers? and to the threadstarter, u shud invest in nice tight straps or a straplock. sum straps the ends like damn loose, u dun wan ur guitar falling off.
OK thx for ur info.....btw how to make my guitar sound like more rock?? my guitar sound very clean..isit b coz i use speakers?? if i use amp then distortion shld be alright ??
for a more "rock" sound, yes you can use distortion.. an amp would be a valuable investment. a good one will last you for years. OR you could purchase a distortion pedal. what kinda speakers are you using??
yeah , use distortion . havent you tried that already . hmm the guitar itself should come with the straplocks , did you get yours first hand or second hand , next all straps for electric guitars will fit just fine on it
the gain knob is for adjusting distortion. If ur using tube then u can play with saturation oso which is like both the volume and gain. If u have maxed ur gain already and still dun have enuff distortion den get a new amp or a distortion pedal. Ur pickup mite be too low output oso, so maybe change that.
what is that man. haha. dude , just get 100 bucks and go for sweelee sales. get peavey , mashall or laney can last you forever. 15watts more than enough. have fun.