Guitar spirit


New member
salutes to all the musicians in here, no matter who u are. 4 the luv of music, i greet you wit a sincere big HELLO! may we get to noe more abt each other n hopefully, be frens in dis musical arena. thanx!

yup, im yet another newbie in here & dis site totally rox me out wit so much kewl, happenin people around. it reali feels like home at last. hehe... :p

im dee, 26 yrs of age, a guitarist & been playin for quite sumtime. but i've quited on playin back 5 yrs ago due to sum probs. so i ended up sellin all my equipments. yup, it sounds reali sux but its true tho. recently, i got myself a yamaha 24-fret TRS Pro series (hope i say it correctly) 4 a start frm scratch coz my temptation to jam hits on me again. i hvn't saved enuf to get ani decent multi-fx 2 go along wit it tho, mebbe comin soon n dat means 2 werk extra harder 4 it. currently, im juz usin e guitarfx program to get e feel of physical multi-fx soundings. it works well 4 me n i reali tink dis software rox! since i dun hv ani band 4 nw, i juz jam alone wit e aid of yet another great software, guitarpro. most of e time, i do hv 2 struggle in learnin e downloaded tabs coz i dun get 2 practice much nw. onli at nite after work, abt 2-3 hrs b4 Zzz n weekend wen im being homely. :p yup, afterall ive been reali rusty frm e yrs i stopped playin. so nw i hv to start pickin it up pc by pc again. :p

aniwae, hope to hear frm u guys coz im reali interested in learnin anitin new n willin to share ideas. thanx once again. :)