Guitar refinishing...where can I do it?


New member
Yo ppl, where can I refinish my guitar? in refinishing without changing the colour of the guitar....
Guitar Connection hands down because one thing is for sure, they don't screw up in that department.

Btw, if you are thinking of refinishing, do note that it is within the $400 region and no one likes the process involved. Not only is it bad for health, it's extremely tedious.

A rough guide on the steps involved.

1) dismantling guitar
2) removing paint
3) sanding down the hard to reach areas by hand
4) applying wood sealer
5) drying wood sealer
6) applying paint
7) drying paint
8) sanding down surface
9) polishing surface
10) assembling guitar

Calculate the number of man hours involved & determine whether it's money well spent. Also, the process is reaaaally long. Just a few things to note.
no such thing as dont screw up la as we all human,
being human we err so there are good days & bad hair days.. hehe

I've seen both good an bad paint jobs. What is the most common source of screw up in paint jobs? The fact that people make mistakes in the steps they are supposed to follow (not enough sealer, paint too thick until cannot dry etc). how to tell whether it's a screwed up paint job? you'll know instantly when you pick up the instrument & chuckle to yourself.

of course if you are referring to mishandling, than yeah I guess you are right. there are good & bad days. sheet happens when you least expect after all.
TS - why wana refinish..? to cover up a bad previously refinish job?

If stock factory finish but a bit beat - up - keep stock lah ...
I have to go down to GC and ask for Kelvin's permission to take a picture or 2. I don't have any samples with me at the moment unfortunately.

I try uploading by Monday?
Erm..I'm not trying to change the colour of my guitar to a new paint...I want to restore the protective layer of the guitar....
Erm..I'm not trying to change the colour of my guitar to a new paint...I want to restore the protective layer of the guitar....

Oh.... like that shouldn't cost that much already. can skip a lot of steps. just a question though, why? scratches or what?
Haha yah plus lacquer... Nat Paul, damn sexy. With matching headstock.
I think TS means restoring the lacquer? Or restoring the exact same paint colour? I can do tt at guitar connection? is there some other place I can do tt? And about how much will it cost?
hmm imo you CAN do it yourself with brasso but please, DON'T go overboard until you eat into the lacquer. Unsure, send to the store. shouldn't be too expensive. I don't know about the prices because I never made such a request before. bring your guitar down and they'll quote you accordingly.
How? I tot brasso is for polishing metal? And lacquer is like do you do it? And other than gc, still got wad shops?