Guitar recommendation for a noob


New member
Hi people.. After gazillions of months saving i finally have enough money to buy a decent guitar.. about 1k.. my ideal axe would be a mahogany bodied, double cutaway with a fixed bridge.. but i cant seem to find any guitars that are made like that.. any suggestion guys??!!
Please do help..
epiphone sgs seem to be what u are looking for. they are not bad at all! whether beginner, intermediate or pro, epiphone sgs will be an ideal workhorse guitar with tone and playability.

they cost anything between $600 to $800, which leaves u $200 to $400 for an amp, so ur budget is just nice. for amps i'll recommend vox valvetronix ad50vt.
mahagony double cut fixed bridge = Gibson SG or Epiphone G-400 or Schecter S-1 or PRS Doublecut.
hmm.. interesting.. doesnt the SGs have a neck diving problem?? would that obstruct its playability?? btw where can i find schecters??
sg have neck dive?i dont know.schecters can be found at G77 but the S-1 has to be pre-ordered i guess.
wow ure a noob and u know about the bridges all that. ok im oso a noob. even noober. and still donoe the difference of woods. what affect what all that.
actually i saw something that quite caught my eye.. a yamaha RGX520FZ and a schecter C-1 elite.. hmm double cut les paul.. u have idea of the price and where to find them?
actually i saw something that quite caught my eye.. a yamaha RGX520FZ and a schecter C-1 elite.. hmm double cut les paul.. u have idea of the price and where to find them?
I have the same budget as you and also interested in schecter C-1 elite. Where did you saw it and how much it cost?