guitar pick!


New member
hi guys.can you recommend me a nice guitar pick.i need a pick that has a nice grip because my hands are really sweaty

btw:where can i buy elixir strings?tnx guys
Perhaps the V-picks? Haven't tried them personally but i heard they "stick" to your fingers.
Elixir strings and V-picks are both available through Bluegrasswoods guitars.
PM Brendon on soft for more info (:
Perhaps the V-picks? Haven't tried them personally but i heard they "stick" to your fingers.

i've always wanted to get my hands on a couple of v-picks. but i have this terrible habit of losing picks.. so thats whats keeping me from buying em.
vicko:thanks vicko!bluegrasswoods is BGW guitars right?or are they different companies?

dude:youre not the only one with that habit bro.I just lost my fav pick today :(
i've always wanted to get my hands on a couple of v-picks. but i have this terrible habit of losing picks.. so thats whats keeping me from buying em.

Same here.

Elixir's can also be bought at Sinamex and Maestro.

You can try delrin picks from Fender/Jim Dunlop (Only a few), which are more affordable than V picks, although they don't exactly "stick" to your finger.
I'm a big fan of V-picks. Keep them in a box! Like those impact mints.

I use V picks when im mostly playing lead and then dava control picks when im playing both. I like a little flex when playing rhythm.
Actually I found that somehow I can get a better grip on Dunlop's Tortex picks, for some reason :S Even when my fingers are sweaty they feel drier somehow when I use those picks haha (might be psychological but worth a try at $0.75, no? ;))
just use dunlops.. train ur grip so that it's not too hard / stiff and it's not too lose til the point the picks fall out la dey, y spend 7 bucks on a friggin piece of plastic? can buy 2 packets of chicken rice!

at most use jazz III's, $1 thingys
Use Brossard picks! They are more than a mere $7!

Jokes aside (I'm not really joking about the price though), you can try the $1 JD picks, they're pretty good. And ESP have this bunch of picks with a rubber thingy on 'em for the grips, they're pretty good too. I lost mine while trying to look for my money inside the taxi (I kept my pick in my wallet). Davis sells those picks. I think it's ESP, if I'm not wrong. It should be...
I've always used the Dunlop Jazz IIIs, and the wordings on them really help with the grip.
But since I tried the Dunlop Tortex 1mm I just couldn't use any other.
It's just that they feel too smooth for me.
So to get a better grip on them I just make a few grooves with a penknife on both faces of my picks.
Cool picks.
Pick up a Jazz III and you'll never look back. (no pun intended hah)
Anyway just to sidetrack, anyone knows the gauge of a jazz III?
dosent show up on the wordings of the pick
just use dunlops.. train ur grip so that it's not too hard / stiff and it's not too lose til the point the picks fall out la dey, y spend 7 bucks on a friggin piece of plastic? can buy 2 packets of chicken rice!

at most use jazz III's, $1 thingys

above +1 :)
if really sweaty can try taping ur finger tips if it doesn't affect ur feel too much. or can tape the pick.... maciam badminton racket.
I really like Jim Dunlops, too. And I find that the thinner they are, the less likely they are to fly out of your grip. I find that the Fender Medium picks (celluloid) also tend to stick to my skin, so you might want to try those too. They last pretty long and are quite cheap. So far my favourite picks are still those Fender Mediums. For acoustic and electric. :cool:
jazz III are 1.28mm thick :)
trust me,jazz III are on par with v picks(i used the diamond and screamer)
plus,they are cheap unlike v picks
btw all v pick diamond user,do you get any pick chirping sounds while plucking?
these hard plastic picks are good and stiff but they do get you a harsher brighter sound..

i use the red jazz III XL series for better grip and since its softer than the black ones and the stiff acrylic ones, it sort of gives a warmer sound and less pick noise when picking.. true it depends on angle of picking also but the soft material suits my picking style