If you guys like to drool over other folks' pedalboards like we do, visit our site
Here's a few pictures of pedalboards from bands we interviewed over the past few months. We've got a couple of fierce looking ones coming up soon!
Ricks (Aspidistra Fly)
Leslie Low (The Observatory)... Please bear in mind that his board has evolved and this is an old picture. Bugger bought a lotta new toys in the last few months.
Dharma (The Observatory and Throb)... He's got a lotta new toys as well. The guy grows roots from his board. All the extra stuff overflowing from the main board. I think he needs a new board!
Victor Low (The Observatory)... He has some goot shit here...
Vivian Wang (The Observatory)... Hehehe, an old picture as well. Vivian just added a MoogerFooger MuRF into her signal chain...
Y (Lunarin)... I love the guy. He rawks like Adam Jones...
David Tan (Electrico)... His stuff is very much stripped down from the early days of Electric Company.
Daniel Sassoon (Electrico)... We all know he's one crazy mofo. He's got 14 - 15 pedals (count 'em) on his board and the whole shebang weighs more than 30kg!!!
Momat (Astreal)... Simple but effective set-up
David Bapista (Ugly In The Morning)... I love their Vox obsession.
Noel Ong (Ugly In The Morning)... Vox rules!!!
Clement Yang (Ugly In The Morning)... Actually, he doesn't need any effects. His thumb is the effect. One of the most kick-ass bassist I'd ever seen!
And of course, some advertisement: