Guitar Lessons????


New member
Hi people, I've just bought a new guitar (electric) and i was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for some lessons? is it possoble they could be reletivly cheap as i dont have stacks of money. cheers!
you need to ask around if your looking for cheap guitar lessons as those provided by music school usually dont come cheap..but cheap doesnt means pay for what you get.

if you plan to learn yourself..theres some threads under How-To-Guitar that has informations about it.

Welcome aboard :D
i prefer private. u pay more but u get more attention, rather than schools. u can learn much faster 1-1
school also provide 1 to 1 lesson..but it all depends on the instructor..either cheap or exp..but..if you find that he doesnt really teach you alot of things or help you improve..just quit..dun waste your money and time hoping he will turn better :wink: