Guitar instrumental albums


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Any slow guitar intrumentals ( what i am looking for is something like steve vai but not too heavy... ) with lots of techinques? I think its high time i took a break from all those heavy music like GNR velvet Revolver and stuff. Mum just whacked me when she saw my Steve Vai passion and warefare album...she wasn't very happy when she say the devils on the cover...i told her its metaphysics which is obvious because of the triangle above steve's head.
:cry: :cry: :cry:

Or are there any artists who are able to play entire classical songs ( J.S.Bach etc ) on electric guitar? :roll:
It's not instrumental but you can get some Eric Clapton's blues albums, eg Journeyman, Riding with the King. There's technique, some slow and some moderate, and singing too. Plus your mom would probably approved of Eric.

Rob Balducci's 'Mantra' release is, in my books, one of the most relaxing rock instrumental ever. although Mr. Balducci dropped gear, the shredder in him is still evident. he took his time to deliver very tasteful notes. kudos Steve Vai for signing Mr. Balducci...

Whoah thx subversion...knew you could help me since u listen to everything. Any idea where i can get the album? How do i pronounce his name?
i bought my copy @ Queensway shopping centre...

say: Rob Bal-doo-chee

if you are into jazz stuff, check out any Mike Stern releases as well 8)
although Gambale had defected to Yamaha, i'm still a big fan nevertheless.

if you think Malmsteen can sweep, Gambale can sweep Malmsteen aside... sorry Malmsteen fans, i like this swede too, but i must emphasize that Mr. Gambale's sweeps are integral parts of his phrasing as oppossed to just a passing technique. saw him live here & it nearly made me cry because he's so good...

anyway, sentimentals aside, the most relaxing, soothing, Gambale release in my books is his 'Thinking Out Loud' release, featuring him on electro-accoustic on most tracks. for an overall picture of what Gambale is all about, check out his Best Of release, available at that cut-throat joint otherwise known as HMV...

well...i almost cried too....hehe..
the sweep and the tone almost killed my guitar passion...

for funky material u might like to listen to
Ron thal
Mattias ia eklundh (Freak Kitchen)
subversion said:
sickening price: $38...

wah so ex.

Subversion do you know of any guitar players out there that play classical pieces ( mozart , J.S. Bach etc )

Looked around the forums and heard of this guy called Powell Young. will check out flying fingers.

How about Takahiro Matsumoto ....does he have any intrumental albums?
i only know one- Malmsteen... i'm of the opinion that classical pieces are played best on classical guitars... 8)

there's this lady shredder called 'The Great Kat'. she did a classical release called 'Beethoven on Speed'... you might wanna check it out... be warned that it's a metal version.
if a classical guitar is doesn't have a cut body shape...would be more difficult to reach higher notes right?

Hmm...i am addicted to seeing Malmsteen and his acoustic solo in the G3 in Denver DVD...any idea whats the name of the 1st classical piece he played in the acoustic solo?
you'd be surprised with what a well-versed classical player can do.

check out this album: Gambale/ Colonna: Imagery Suite
gambale did an album with italian classical guitarist Maurizio Colonna & it's ear candy. strictly guitars no percussions/ bass...

I have couple of albums of Craig Chaquico- Former Jefferson Starship Lead Guitarist..

"Acoustic Highway" is the one where you can listen his finest playing of acoustic...Probably he uses a Gibson Lespaul ?