Guitar in air-conditioned room


New member
Hey guys, I have some doubts which i need to clarify. Will storing guitar in air-conditioned room have any damage on the guitar? E.g, Fretboard, rust.
actually, it's better.

air con reduces your humidity in the room, and we all know humidity = more water vapour = rusts.

also, try to keep your guitar outside your bag. I dunno about others, but i feel that guitar bags absorbs more heat, leading to more humid conditions in the bag.
I dont know if keeping it outside ur bag is better. you cant possibly have your air-con switched on 24/7. So when you turn it off, there could possibly be quite a drastic change in temperature. This leads to string rusts easier.. but not to the extend of damaging the fretboard..
it all depends on the room as well. a room where sunlight does not reach easily would be good.
I put my guitars in their hardcases with one or two packets of desiccant, and only turn the air-con on at night. the strings last fairly long that way. the air-con doesn't seem to affect the guitar that much, and definitely doesn't speed up or cause any damage.
actually, it's better.

air con reduces your humidity in the room, and we all know humidity = more water vapour = rusts.

also, try to keep your guitar outside your bag. I dunno about others, but i feel that guitar bags absorbs more heat, leading to more humid conditions in the bag.


this happens for me.

keeping my guitar out in the open in an aircon room will decrease the humidity. BUT, after u turn it off, the room starts to heat up. the guitar will still remain cold. when the guitar is still cold, i realise that water vapour has condensed on it. water vapour on the string? obviously it'll rust faster. my aircon is set at 22 degrees. i think thats pretty average.

for me, i keep it in the hardcase. but, i put those.. erm u know those small packets that are supposed to remove moisture??
I think it does effect the guitar a bit, or at least the rosewood fretboard.

My fretboards tend to dry up faster when i leave them in my room (aircon on at night only), as against leaving them in my living room (windows almost always open, very seldom use aircon).

I don't keep my guitars inside bags/cases, unless bringing them out.
I generally keep my guitars in their bags when I'm not playing, and my strings seem to last much longer that way...

Agree because my room is non air conditioned,so if I leave it on the stand in the open,the strings rust easily and yes,it becomes dusty real fast.
actually, it's better.

air con reduces your humidity in the room, and we all know humidity = more water vapour = rusts.

also, try to keep your guitar outside your bag. I dunno about others, but i feel that guitar bags absorbs more heat, leading to more humid conditions in the bag.

Get lighter colour guitar bags, dont get dark colour bags then. :) so wont absorb so much heat
i gave up bothering a long time ago haha , just change stings often or use coated ones if you are anal . I change mine every 2-3 weeks