Guide On Connecting Pedals To Amp


New member
I was just wondering, if there are any guides around teaching how to connect a pedal to the amp, cause it seems quite complicated. I will be getting my first pedal tommorow and i want to know what do i need to buy, in order to connect the pedal and get it running. For example, what kind of cable/wires do i need and stuff like that. Help appreciated!
Not complicated at all ;)

First, get two cables. Then connect one cable to the pedal input and connect the other cable from the pedal output to the amp.

If you have more than one effect, you have to get patch cables to link them up.
Oh so basically, i would need 2 guitar cables? Connect one from my guitar to the pedal input and another cable from the pedal output to my amp? Something like that?
Hi Narandel.

Guitar -> Pedal -> Amp

-> = 1/4" cable (easily obtainable at TYMC)

If you're planning for more pedals. You're gonna need "patch cables". Much shorter cables as compared to your usual cables.

Hope this helps.
Hey, remember to find for the "input" and "output" on your pedal first. Think of it like your sound from the guitar travels through your cables to the pedal and out to the other cable and amp.

so always remember, "output" goes to the amp, "input" to your guitar.

If you have mutiple pedals, you gotta know how to arrange them too. There's no right and wrong but placing your pedals in the right way brings out the full potential sound, basically like this,

guitar - wah/volume pedals - distortion - modulations (phasers, chorus, eq, etc.) - delay

hope this helps ya =D
I was just wondering, if there are any guides around teaching how to connect a pedal to the amp, cause it seems quite complicated. I will be getting my first pedal tommorow and i want to know what do i need to buy, in order to connect the pedal and get it running. For example, what kind of cable/wires do i need and stuff like that. Help appreciated!

It's like sex , you don't know what it's like till you try it hahaha . It's not that hard , I'm sure you'll figure it out in 5 mins if not IMH is waiting for you
now now eugene, u donwanna confuse him about analog and digital. heheheheh.

yeah thre it is guitar>input of pedal>output of pedal>amp.

there is such thing as fx loop on amps, but i guess we donwanna touch on that first. hehehe.

pedal to pedal(if u have more than one) - use patch cables. short ones 0.5 or 1 foot long. u will see the need of "pedal power supply" and "daisy chains" when u have many pedals. meanwhile, u can check out what these terms mean.