Greenhorns looking for people to form a practice band with.


New member
Greetings! :)

We're easy going people looking for other nice people to form a practice band with.
Nothing too scary or intimidating, so don't worry. :)

Probably not going to do a whole lot of pop punk, pop rock, hardcore, post hardcore, death or thrash metal.
That being said, we're pretty open to trying other stuff.

So if you're looking for guys approximately the same skill level as you to practice your chops with, then be sure to leave a msg, or you could drop me an email @

Hope to hear from you lot soon.
Hi, i've been interested to jam with a band for quite awhile. Been playing guitar for quite some time but lack the experience in playing in a band. If you need a guitarist for jamming you can count me in!

Anyway I hope this project comes through and I look forward to jamming together soon!:)
Well, i'm in my early twenties if that helps.

Also, does anyway sing? Or maybe play bass or drums? Would be a nice addition to our string of guitar players haha.
Hi, I play a bit of drums, 4 years of electric guitar, 6 years of acoustic, clean vocals (mostly suitable for maroon 5, bruno mars), classical piano for 10+ years(did have a long break in between though), recently been picking up pop piano for about 2 years. When are you guys getting together =D Don't worry I have zero band experience (a few solo performances though).
Hi guys!

I sing, and would love to join for practice! Am not a very strong singer though, as I only picked up singing about a year ago. Have never played in a band nor performed either. Hope I'll be able to fit in!
Hey, if you're still looking for mates to jam with, I'm interested.

Male bassist, been learning only for 8 months, little knowledge of music theory.

Into funk, rock, pop and ballads, but open to anything.

NSF, just POP-ed.

- - - Updated - - -

Hey, if you're still looking for mates to jam with, I'm interested.

Male bassist, been learning only for 8 months, little knowledge of music theory.

Into funk, rock, pop and ballads, but open to anything.

NSF, just POP-ed.

- - - Updated - - -

Hey, if you're still looking for mates to jam with, I'm interested.

Male bassist, been learning only for 8 months, little knowledge of music theory.

Into funk, rock, pop and ballads, but open to anything.

NSF, just POP-ed!!