Great Record Label Opportunity in the UK


New member
Hi all,

As can be seen the title of this post, I hereby would like to elaborate a bit more about the situation.

First of all, it is absolutely true regarding this record label opportunity that might be offered in the UK.

I am an emerging solo artist that mainly conducts English Jazz/Pop/R&M songs. I have spent years making my own records (basically doing covers of some outstanding recording artists) in my spare time and just recently I had a great opportunity offered by a prestigious music manager in the UK whom I have been liaising in this business for some time. I owned this chance by myself, where I actually went down to tackle this business alone in the UK and had made some verbal agreements with this manager on the early stage.

But it is getting difficult when comes to proceed, whereas this manager required all my original music to be produced to a solo album. Regardless when and how would I manage this course, it is gonna be all on my own, and his final verdict would solely base on the outcome of this album.

I have been struggling on this breakthrough, because I realized it's nearly impossible for me to produce an album with merely my own skills and acknowledge on music, and I am going to bear a huge cost if I recruit someone or a company to help me to do so, which is too risky to be put as a option.

As a result, I want to complete my music with other talents who share the same vision and influence on music, and are capable in music composing; audio engineering or with multimedia skills to share this tremendous opportunity.

To explain it all here would be impossible. Therefore to those who are interested in this context, please contact me at, as we can have more discussion on this and to find out if we could have chance to collaborate concerning this business.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards

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