Goosonique Kult Review


New member
Goosonique KULT . The most interactive pedal I have ever had the pleasure to play. Mind you I have owned over 150 dist/od pedals and several high gain amps. Been playing it through a Vintage 73' Marshall Super Lead 100 the past few days and my Oh my It's a vast improvement from the prototype I had with me for bout 2 weeks. It's got some major growl to it. I'd say Uberschall & Einstein had a baby.

Test was done with
Nashguitars Tele with Lollars in it
Tyler Dan Huff with T.A pups
Angry Angus Jazzmaster with some hot Duncan's.
Gibson 61' Reissue SG with 57 Classics

It's got some grit to it all the way to smooth.
Treble knob acts more like a 'tight ' control and the mids knob which I love by the way acts like a 'clarity' knob. It's got so much gain on tap im getting all nu metal on my Grind core? Hardcore? Hell,love rock? This baby can do it all. Not just do it but to do it really well. Destroys everything in the market I've Roll down ya volume knob,love left it on the same settings and I'm immediately in blues territory. How is it Thislove pedal remains so damn clear, yet fat tonal and cuts through the mix easy!! Personally I don't think this pedal is for the faint of heart and not for those who dont like tweaking. You like your 3-knob pedals and don't care much for tweaking and getting that special tone then this pedal isnt for u. However if tweaking through different ampz and being versatile and unique yourself then looklove no further.I also used this pedal in chain with my other pedals. Man BIG difference here. The delays' in my set up sound My other modulations love Has to be that new buffer goose has got in Awesome

I think your amp plays a biglove part though . Realise that amps with bright caps don't play well with this pedal but however other pedals play very Have an Ocd driving into it with ease and a cleanboost after both that's working like a charm.

How does it Sounds like an uberschall and when the volume is rolled down it becomes an Xtc red channel with your volume knob turned down.

Ease of Use 4.5/5
tough pedal to tweak if you're new to pedals.
Sounds 5/5
Very versatile and not one of those Jack of trades kind more of king of all realms
Price 4/5
not cheap but come on boutique players you know you've paid more for less
Overall 5/5
my current squeeze. Love is the word to use. So many pedals have passed through the board but I'm good with drives now. Goose needs to make an overdrive now cause at the rate He's hitting it. It'll probably be a home run

Only available at Ebenex.
Couldn't agree more, replaced my seventh with this sick pedal
i too use an ocd and ep with this baby... really sweet stuff, though i must say i really love the toggle switch between channels which the previous seventh didnt offer

Great work goose!!!
Sadly, it didnt worked out for me when i tested it at ebenex. I tweaked like crazy when i had the gt10, no more intense tweaking for me.. Plug n play is my theme now. The zoom trimetal/okko dom is enuf for now. :-)

Good pedal though..