Good Venue or ideas available for Gig Events?


New member
Hi ya all,

I'm from a local events company and also play in a band. I've always wanted to support the local music scene by organizing gigs.

I realized there aren't as many chances for amateur bands to showcase their works in Singapore.

Currently, we have all the equipment to run a gig, or any event for that matter. We're just lacking a good location to host the event.

Can anyone suggest any good location, with cheap or affordable rental? I'm just trying to keep costs to a minimum, so any suggestions would be great. :)

We tried working with some clubs along boat quay, but the rental was just too high. And we didn't want to run an event forcing bands to sell like 30 tickets or stuff just to perform.

We just need to cover the costs for rental of the place and for our company leasing of the equipment.

Please do not hesitate to PM or email me if you know any location that's good, or have ideas on how we can run this event.

Thanks and Regards,