Good acoustic under 1000


New member
Hi all,
I'm looking to buy a new acoustic guitar at the end of the year, and I've got a budget of about 1k+/-
I would say I'm an intermediate player, definatley not a pro, so I was wondering if anyone here on soft could give me some suggestions on what to get. I currently have a G-series Takamine, and I would like to take it a step higher. Basically I'm looking for something good sounding and would last me quite a while. I understand that choosing a guitar has a lot to do with trying it out and how it feels in your hands, but some suggestions here would really help me out. Thanks in advance :)
I suggest getting a full solid guitar. what would sweeten the deal would be one that comes with a nice preamp.

for your budget, try to scout around for a good used Seagull, Blueridge or Larrivee. save up twice your budget and you can lay your hands on a pretty decent used Taylor.

If you are looking for something brand new, check out the Yamaha LJ series of guitars. it's a really well made guitar. nice resonance coming from the solid Engelmann spruce top. that's something I would recommend. a LL16 would be nice too. depends on which shape you prefer.
you know having owned a string of maestros, yamahas and takamines within the sub1k cat and even a few taylors and martins beyond that range. in my opinion within the sub 1k catergory your best bet would be a yamaha ll16, the workmanship on those were superb, it looks great and has a tone to match as well, of course the are other great sounding ones that could match up to the ll16 but none have come close in terms of workmanship if i dare say. another quality bet would be our local builders maestros!, Qc might be a tad shoddy sometimes, but they do know how to make great sounding instruments, picked up a equator recently and it was ridiculously good sounding for the price i paid( got it half priced during their clearance!), had a rosetta and a ed3 previously, they do make good sounding instruments, actually if ur willing i'll say save up abit more and go for the rosetta, it really has balls of tone haha! . oh and to add onto relinquish's suggestions, the blueridge i've tried have been pretty impressive ,a worthy consideration :).

happy hunting!
Hi guys,
thanks for the suggestions. i've got a few questions though.
what's the difference between a guitar that is full solid and a guitar that lets say has a solid top and laminated sides?
also where would i be able to find the yamahas that relinquish69 and saintlumpy has mentioned?
lastly, my friend suggested a big baby taylor, it goes brand new for about 695. is this worth getting? i know taylor makes really sweet high end acoustics, but not so sure about the lower end ones. am i just paying for the brand name?
again, thanks in advance :)
there major difference lies in the depth and degree of resonance acheived from the acoustic qualities you would get from a full solid over a laminate back and sides. that being said, its not always true, there are crappy full solid ones i've tried and thoroughly impressive laminated back and sides ones( think the yamaha ll6/seagull s6), why don't your head down and try them out for yourself?