Gibson ES-335


New member
Hiz guys!

Does anyone know how much does the Gibson ES-335 is selling for at Swee Lee?
Btw given a choice for u guys, do u prefer a ES-335 or a Gibson SG '61 reissue?
I think the ES-335 is listed for about $5,000+, close to $6,000. The nett price should be 20% cheaper.

The ES-335 and the SG 61 reissue are very different guitars and have their own individual appeal.

Personally, I'll go for the ES-335.
Music123 lists the Gibson ES-335 for USD1,999 ( SGD3198) and the Re-issue model for USD2349 (about SGD3759 at today's rate).

With the lower US dollar, now seems like a good time to buy in the USA. Unfortunately most online shops don't ship Gibsons, Fenders and Epiphones to anywhere outside USA territority. So you will need to buy it stateside or get a friend to buy it and shippied it back.
BF109E said:
Music123 lists the Gibson ES-335 for USD1,999 ( SGD3198) and the Re-issue model for USD2349 (about SGD3759 at today's rate).

With the lower US dollar, now seems like a good time to buy in the USA. Unfortunately most online shops don't ship Gibsons, Fenders and Epiphones to anywhere outside USA territority. So you will need to buy it stateside or get a friend to buy it and shippied it back.


S$3.9K in US price compared to S$5K close to S$6K... it seems that buying in US is definately about 40% cheaper!
comfirm Swee Lee is selling abt S$5K close to S$6K?
if u're there, I'll say go for it. U can get a rebate of the sales tax too. As for getting a fren in the US to buy it for u, then shipping it here. No luck with tax rebate.
mika14 said:
BF109E said:
Music123 lists the Gibson ES-335 for USD1,999 ( SGD3198) and the Re-issue model for USD2349 (about SGD3759 at today's rate).

With the lower US dollar, now seems like a good time to buy in the USA. Unfortunately most online shops don't ship Gibsons, Fenders and Epiphones to anywhere outside USA territority. So you will need to buy it stateside or get a friend to buy it and shippied it back.


S$3.9K in US price compared to S$5K close to S$6K... it seems that buying in US is definately about 40% cheaper!
comfirm Swee Lee is selling abt S$5K close to S$6K?

The Swee Lee prices could be list prices. For nett prices, it would be at least 20% lesser. To get the exact price, gvie them a call or drop by the shop. You can try calling Guitar Gallery too as it also belongs to Swee Lee. They might be more forthcoming with their prices since it's a smaller shop.

If you're in the USA now, get it from there anyway. It's generally still cheaper than here, especially if it's on promotion.