Gibson burstbucker 2 and 3


it's not about functional fulfilment when it somes to Gibson pickups- do they serve your tonal needs? that should be the main concern.

i'm not a Gibson/ Epiphone fan but the tones i hear from Epi's Boneyard Les Paul are all very pleasant & above-average- it features the Bursbuckers of course... 8)
these are standard in all Gibson historic right?

I think it is special or original Japan only burstbucker but Tak Matsumoto burstbuckers sound great to me.
the burstbuckers sounds a little brighter than the 4XX humbuckers by Gibson- the reason Gary Moore likes them 8)

bassy- not a very deep bass definition but still chunky
crunchy- yup, especially the uncovered version

try the Boneyard LP, you'll know what i mean