Garage Rock Band!


New member
This might be weird, but I only want people who are influenced by ONLY:

The Strokes
The Vines
THe Hives

Sorry, if i kinda sound like spoilt brat from my first sentence, because I realize I don't really like to drift to other genres, playing wise and I hope that's not to much to ask for. /:

I've got a vocalist and a bassist on stand-by, so a drummer and a 2nd guitarist is needed.
We've written and recorded a couple of originals, and we really want to start it off back again after a series of commitments.

Not to be picky, but we probably want people with intermediate/novice experience, but if you think you wanna give it a shot, feel free to pm me!

We'll start with covers first to tighten up our sound and off to originals! Covers can be discussed later, but it'll mainly revolve around the four bands mentioned above.

It'll be AWE- wait for it..SOME!

I'm khai, the lead by the way.

Have a nice day!

oh, here a sample of an original, Lynette; check it from the media player!