Games Aquisition Syndrome for PC


New member
Alright , I'll start first

How many of you are fans of RTS games?

I grew up from the likes of command & conquer , Red Alert and Tiberium Sun to Rise of Nations , Empire Dawn of the Modern World to Warcraft and now....I think the recent realise of the sequel to the PC game hit Age of Empires III is slowly seducing me into getting one copy for myself!!!! :lol:
used to play PC games alot last time..but stop now..cos i find PS2 more attracted to me..haha...but gotta admit the graphic of PC games r better
Haha I used to be a hardcore MMO player, have been off FFXI for a year and half now.......

I stopped when it was taking away too much of my social life, I was playing like 8-10 hours a day lol :cry:

Now I'm a casual gamer, mostly a console games since my PC is an aging veteran and can't handle new games :lol:
I used to play tons of games. Roller coaster tycoon, counter strike, runescape, warcraft 3 and recently, maple story. Can't play much now due to o levels coming.
ItAcHi said:
used to play PC games alot last time..but stop now..cos i find PS2 more attracted to me..haha...but gotta admit the graphic of PC games r better
i used to think consoles after the ps2 & xbox had 10 times bttr graphics than an average high-end pc (excluding producing/designing/developing platforms). Bt now i finally know the reasons behind it being the other way ard. Plus theres the new HD Lighting technology in the recent set of GeForce cards that resemble graphics similar to the Xbox 360 & quite close to PS3. Bt what i hate is the marketing strategy of games. First-person shooters in consoles r totally a turn-off, given no mouse n the lack of handling high model rendering. What's worse, they dont release fighting games for the PC. Now that totally sucks. Evr since MK4, i aint seen nothin no more.
i guess its really a pain in the ass to play fighting games on hard to produce those special finisher...i still prefer PC games like warcraft..those RTS can really bring out ur graphic card quality
hmm..i dunno..personal opinion is tt i wun spend money and buy a gamepad jus to play some fighting or sports game...
Was thinking of watching. I remember playing DOOM 2 when I was in primary 4 and best of all , the rock is in it and I used to crazily addicted to WWE.... :lol:

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