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If you’re looking for a home recording solution, this will answer all your needs. Here’s what will be included
- Steinberg UR28M with Cubase included
- MXL V67G
- Pop filter
- K&M Mic Stand
- Koltz Mic Cable
- MXL 57 Mic Shock Mount
All inclusive price of $480
Pics Galore: https://guitargearforsale.wordpress.com/2014/11/19/steinberg-ur28m-mxlv67g-accessories/
Text me at 97551840 to deal
- Steinberg UR28M with Cubase included
- MXL V67G
- Pop filter
- K&M Mic Stand
- Koltz Mic Cable
- MXL 57 Mic Shock Mount
All inclusive price of $480
Pics Galore: https://guitargearforsale.wordpress.com/2014/11/19/steinberg-ur28m-mxlv67g-accessories/
Text me at 97551840 to deal