FS/FT: VHT SigX w/ Rare 2x12 Mesa Cab


New member
Looking to sell a barely used VHT SigX Amp Head with a 2X12 Mesa Cab.

Both the Amp head and cab (tolex grill) are currently discontinued and extremely hard to find.

Extremely versatile amp which has 3 switchable channels, comes with footswitch.

Details and specs here: http://www.music123.com/Guitars/Gui...-Tube-Guitar-Amp-Head.site7prod430308.product

Demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NADqXlwRt4

As for the Cab, i will not sell it before i sell the head, it is the extremely rare tolex grilled Mesa.



Both are mint and extremely well kept.

Trades welcome.

Yours for $3,500 as a set. Comes with lava speaker cable.

Please sms 97oneone2one22 if interested