I disagree that Reason can replace ALL midi insturments.
No doubt it can replace ROMPlers and drum machines. They all play back samples and the quality is largely dependent on the source.
BUT I doubt it can replace a good VA (eg Virus, Nord Lead, Ion/Micron). The Arturia Minimoog V sounds very good though but you can't use it directly in Reason.
And sometimes the "dead" sound is what you need for bass. To me, bass/kick drum sounds best unprocessed because the raw power shines thru the mix and holds the track together.
Secondly, I hesitate to support team108.
It is cheaper to order online using Vpost then thru team108.
Online costs
1) US $299 for v2.5 (additional if using wire transfer or paypal, not applicable if shop accept Singapore credit card) or ~$520
2) Free delivery to Vpost office in USA
3) Delivery of package to Singapore ~$20.
4) Total $540 ($567 with 5%GST)
5) even if one has to pay for a wire transfer, its about $40 and @$580 ($609 with GST), it is still a lot cheaper than team 108. (the bank is next to my office so parking and transport costs doesn't factor in here).
* delivered to doorstep
Team 108 wanted $675 ($708.75 with GST, yes they quoted prices w/o GST) for v2.5
Must make your way down to their office and incur transport +/- parking costs.
Despite Propellerheads saying on their website that they will lower the cost of v2.5, team 108 is not willingly to do so.
Intention of propellerheads
New lowered price of v2.5 + upgrade price to v3.0 = old price of v2.5
However team108;
No discount on v2.5 + upgrade price to v3.0 > old price of v2.5
They also tried to rip me off on my Powercore PCI card.
TC electronics promotion on Powercore card= card + FREE Virus software
(cost ~$1,800)
Team 108 price = Powercore PCI card + NO FREE virus software
(cost $2,500 = > $700 difference)
Therefore, the logical conclusion is not to support team 108.