Fret Buzz?


New member
Hi, Once again im posting as a Rookie.

i had this minor fret buzz ( or is it fret buzz? ) problem with my J&D strat copy. I was planing to DIY instead of send it to a set up. so i tried fixing intonation and stuff , adjusting truss rod last night, then all the buzz was gone and i broke a string. today, i just bought myself a set of ErnieBall coated super slinkys and its buzzing like never. Its buzzing / Rattling as if its a Bass. i had DR .10s on it before i installed the .9s slinkys on it today. Originally, it was fitted with .9s, so i think the .10s made the hole/space on the nut larger? is that the problem? or was it me trying to fix it on my own last night? If a set up is possible to fix it up again with out buzzing and rattling will it cost me a 100bucks or so?

Heres a Video, Dont mind the lousy playing, turn your volume higher and listen, i took this like 2mins ago. Sorry for lousy playing, recorded this with a handphone cam.

Video :

btw, the problem is really annoying. i play stuff with distortion. so if anyone can recomend me what set up i could use? im planning to send it to Standard Value , Thanks to all who were of a help :cool:
I recommend Standard Value. Get a professional to look into it... A good setup should solve the problem. Should not be more than $40 including strings, but you can email him for quotation.
You'll have to check with Mike. I'm not sure, but I always have my strings changed when I go for a setup. My advice would be, don't DIY unless you've done it before, or you have been taught how to do it with hands-on demonstrations...
Does the gauge affect? because ive been playing with me pack of DR .10s for 2months already and i have learnt alot of songs/ techniques from those two months alone. I feel the new .9s are to slinky. does putting in .10s into a nut set for .9s affect the nut? should i get it replaced?

and is my guitar really fret buzzing? or is it just hitting the frets and rattling? should i get the nut replaced?

thanks, i know i should ask Mike for this but he hasnt replied to my email.
About changing from 9 to 10s, you have to get the guitar setup for 10s. But you don't have to change the nut, bridge, etc. Only the truss rod and intonation if I'm not wrong...
I just got my acoustic set-up by mike yesterday.The set-up costs $50 for me,but I'm not sure if its the same price for if you wanna head to SV for the setup,best that you bring at least $50.
The cost is about $40 to $50. Usually Mike charges accordingly to the amount of work he does. Don't worry. He wouldn't overcharge. Just call him or bring your guitar down for a quote.