Fret 2 & 3 of the 6th string (high E) buzz. Pls help


New member
Dear all, i just notice today that my 6th string (high e) buzz so bad on my amp's clean mode and distortion it common/normal? i seldom play my guitar and i had only bought it for 2 weeks. But i remember i play it on the 1st week with amp in distortion/clean its fine. Its a les paul bridge type with 6 adjustable saddle. no tremp bar or bend string been play on this guitat as i don't have the time to properly play it.

Could there be something wrong when i keep it in my room in a gig bag? i do not sleep in aircon room. is there anyway to adjust it so it wont buzz? adjust where? the 6 adjustable saddle screw moving the metal bridge wards? or neck wards?

Pls advice
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I'm having the same f**king problem too!!!
Jeezzz, and mine's a Santafe strat. -_-

I guess i need a new bridge.

a new bridge is not a way to solved. the question is whether is this a workmanship problem i can't really tell who is at fault here the manufacturer, the shop or me as i did not really play the guitar using all bar to make sure its in good condition. if the problem is cause by climate change (which i don't think the case here) then it's God's will but no matter what it really feel sucks to send the guitar back for service barely 3 weeks i bought it.

Im dropping by the shop tomorrow for a resolution and hopefully they allow me to change if not then i will try to sell them back and get a new one from my own pocket. sad:(
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problem solved!. the guy at the shop say its partly manufacturer problem and partly setup problem. anyway i already decided to upgrade and he is kind enough to allow the top up of the balance. Nice shop and i will sure be their regular.

That's what i call good service.
well, people have to start from some point.

anyway as long as the cost for repairs is reasonable, go for it.

however if the problem occurs time and time again till the point where the repairs get more expensive than the guitar itself, its time to look for something else.
Lol noobs.....

thnks dude. i may be noobs in this area but you too are noobs in other area of your life. think abot it before u make such remarks. u wont go far in life beingthis way. nw ask yourslf wat have u accomplish in life other then playin well in ur music passion?:P
