What do 120 Grammy Winners have in common?
They all use the Seth Riggs Speech Level Singing™ Technique
Daniel Singh – Singapore’s first and only Certified Speech Level Singing™ Instructor will be conducting a 3 hour workshop on the Speech Level Singing Technique™. Come and discover how this revolutionary technique can unleash the full potential of your voice.
Some of the topics covered are:
- why you don’t need more breath/diaphragm support
- eliminating vocal breaks
- developing chest, mix and head voice
- falsetto vs head voice
- nasality & how to fix it
- singing in your real true voice from low to high
- effective warm-ups
- singing without strain & tension
- pitching correctly
- voice projection
- learn to sing with the same ease & comfort as speaking
WHEN - Tuesday February 21st 2006 (7:00 - 10:00pm)
WHERE - Young Musicians' Society (YMS)
Log on to http://www.danielstudios.com for more details, registration and location map. Limited seats.
They all use the Seth Riggs Speech Level Singing™ Technique
Daniel Singh – Singapore’s first and only Certified Speech Level Singing™ Instructor will be conducting a 3 hour workshop on the Speech Level Singing Technique™. Come and discover how this revolutionary technique can unleash the full potential of your voice.
Some of the topics covered are:
- why you don’t need more breath/diaphragm support
- eliminating vocal breaks
- developing chest, mix and head voice
- falsetto vs head voice
- nasality & how to fix it
- singing in your real true voice from low to high
- effective warm-ups
- singing without strain & tension
- pitching correctly
- voice projection
- learn to sing with the same ease & comfort as speaking
WHEN - Tuesday February 21st 2006 (7:00 - 10:00pm)
WHERE - Young Musicians' Society (YMS)
Log on to http://www.danielstudios.com for more details, registration and location map. Limited seats.