*forming new band*

Syafiq Azman

New member
I'm looking to start a band.

I've been out playing drums for quite awhile but I'm looking to get it down again.
I started out drumming for my old band playing post hardcore and a little bit of metal core.
But I'm out of that phase in my life and venturing into something different.

Ever since, I've been listening to these bands that have massively influenced me: Citizen, La Dispute, Title Fight, Defeater, Counterparts and Being As An Ocean.

I want to work something out together with whoever is interested. It'll be fun to meet new people!

Looking for anyone with the same taste as me or if you are looking to get into it, I don't mind.

-Vocalist needed
-Guitarist needed
-Bassist needed

Text me to this number "98278507" and we can get it started!