Forming metallica tribute/cover band


New member
Hey there fellow musicians, im looking to start a metallica cover band and im looking for:

A lead guitarist

Im an intermediate level rhythm guitarist who has strong passion for metallica, they are what got me into music and majority of the songs i play are by them. Im looking for people who share the same passion for the band as i do, to jam with and perhaps perform some gigs hahha (who knows)

How good you are isnt really a focus, as im still learning too and im sure we can learn together.

If you're interested do let me know by replying to this thread and i will get back to you asap :)

Rock on🤘
Drummer here. Love Metallica too! Got me interested into rock.
I'm beginner~intermediate. Would love to improve by doing a band. Only been playing solo in my house for 2 years.
PM if keen.
Hi, I'm an intermediate guitarist, not really done any metallica lead stuff, but im interested to try if you're open for it. I'm still in JC though, so i think it'll be difficult for me to really commit to a schedule. Let me know if your schedules are flexible!

Thanks! :D

I sing, have done a few gigs and love Metallica- one of the first bands I got into - so I'm really interested!

Whatsapp me at 94553952 if you still need a vocalist
