Forming a post hardcore band


New member
Hey there pple!
yup as the title says im trying to form a post hardcore band. and now i need a vocalist who can scream or sing, a bassist who could preferably sing or scream for backups, if possible we could also get a keyboardist with synthesizer, one who could sing or scream for backups would be prefered too. dun have to be a pro, but at least be able to play decently. we would be doing covers first from bands like ADTR, underoath, ffaf, we came as romans, ETF etc.. and for the first jamming we would be covering 3 songs

underoath - breathing in a new mentality
ffaf - juneau
adtr - monument

hopefully we could learn a new song every week to jam to add on to our repertoire and we could move on from there, to do gigs and originals
yup if interested can contact me @ 81386278( jacob) or add me on msn @ but messaging is prefered. thx! =))
Hey you guys still searching? I'm interested! I'm Alex, age 18, a freshie currently in Ngee Ann Poly (I think you're from NP too). I can do clean vocals, outward screams, and recently just mastered inward screams. I can cover the songs you listed and a few others. Do hit me up. My number's 92975970. Email and Facebook are both You can PM me too. Thanks =P