Forming a female fronted POP PUNK Band!


New member
As the title states, we are forming a pop punk band. we've got both guitarist slots filled. Therefore we are looking for a bassist, vocalist(Female like duhhh...) and drummer.

We are a bunch of 22 year old, but we are open to any age.

Main influences are, We Are The In Crowd, Tonight Alive.(There's a lot but i can't think of it right now)

If you are interested and you think you are up for it.

Hit us up @
Arfian: 91825944(SMS)
PM me.

Hi there I've pmed u unsure whether u received it or not. But yes the slot's still open and we are doing covers for try outs but we will definitely do originals as we progress.

Peace out :D
Hi there I've pmed u unsure whether u received it or not. But yes the slot's still open and we are doing covers for try outs but we will definitely do originals as we progress.

Peace out :D


Thanks for your reply :)
May I know who do you guys cover? Do you have any recordings i may listen to to get to know you all better?
Not sure whether this suites your style but can check out my originals here
I also have more (rough) original songs that are "punkier", but have not recorded yet. Can always dive into that later on if we work together.
Please excuse the bad vocal, I was not comfortable singing aloud inside my room...
I will do better if we meet in person ><

My goal is to get my songs known to the public and hopefully become part of a serious band and develop myself musically. I do want to become a full-fledge songwriter and singer.

Really excited to get to know you guys more! Look forward to hear from you soon!
Hi!, any chance you want to collaborate? I'm a music arranger and sound engineer. I'm also a guitarist and keyboardist.
As the title states, we are forming a pop punk band. we've got both guitarist slots filled. Therefore we are looking for a bassist, vocalist(Female like duhhh...) and drummer.

We are a bunch of 22 year old, but we are open to any age.

Main influences are, We Are The In Crowd, Tonight Alive.(There's a lot but i can't think of it right now)

If you are interested and you think you are up for it.

Hit us up @
Arfian: 91825944(SMS)
PM me.


Sorry people I gave the wrong number so it's either
Hit me up via pm
Arfian: 91825044