Why must be teenagers?
Why must be teens? How abt a 30-yr-old who looks like a teen?

I still get teen girls hitting on me. haha.
No, but seriously, I've found some new skills in myself. I can arrange music, compose, etc. I sing very well. Do a fantastic cover of Annie Lennox (her voice is low). Eg. Vampire song, Lord of the Rings (Into The West), etc. I used to do lots of Guns & Roses. Ballades. I can't scream the "distorted noise" thing. Have a rather pure voice, but can get huskier if I spoil it some.
I play the keyboard very well (just found out). I play some guitar too. Have a fantastic ear for music. Can harmonize in real-time. Used to play in streets, until govt say I'm not blind enuf to beg.

My frens & I did covers so well, we ALWAYS got pple to stop & listen (and pay!!). One gripe: Why does everyone assume I'm a foreigner??? I've had it with S'poreans assuming talents only come from outside S'pore.
So, if u're interested, we can get together. I'm easy-going, & also good teacher (in case u need to brush up music ear & skills). I'm fun. Always class-clown.
My ICQ: 161772647